February 15, 2022
Vancouver, B.C.

5 Tips for Making Your Beauty Brand’s About Us Page Pop

There's a phrase out there that goes something like…start a business, they said. It will be fun, they said.

I may have messed that up royally, but I do know that you’re probably overwhelmed with starting your business from scratch, and you’ve got lots on your mind.

With everything that comes with running a business, unexpected things start popping up, like website copy, and you don't know where to start.

No worries, I've got you covered.

I’ve worked with clients across the board in fintech, food and beverage, transportation, and of course, beauty. Even though each industry tells a different origin story, my conversations with business owners across many industries have concluded that an effective storytelling formula for writing an About Page transcends all fields of work.

Bottom line, an About Page leads to why you’re selling a product and how it solves a unique problem specific to your desired customer base.

So, before we dive into how to create a super poppin' and show stoppin' about us page for your product-based business, let's answer a couple of simple questions.

What the heck is an about us page? And why do I need one?

An About Page is a section of a product-based website, where owners tell their stories and familiarize potential clients with their business. It can also be called the Our Founder, Our Story, or the About Us section.

When starting a business, a founder may decide to write their own copy to curb upfront business costs.

Hot Tip: Once you've completed your copy drafts and before you hit publish, I recommend using this article as a checklist to complete your glorious About Us Page.

Without further adieu, here are the easiest ways to get your About Us section poppin'.

Step 1: Reviewing the basic elements of storytelling.

Before we get into how to write an About Page, we need to brush on the basic elements of storytelling. 

While it's important to share a little about yourself, the story cannot be completely about...well, you. 

Trust me, when I first started writing about us sections for websites, this concept blew my mind. Ultimately, you're selling a product to a client, and telling your story will add credibility for your reader. 

Next, we’ll talk about tying this into the bigger picture.

Action Step: Move onto the next step! Stay with me, as you’ll be gettin’ creative for the next step.

Step 2: Share a tidbit or two about yourself before diving into your product.

(...I promise you'll have the opportunity to get creative with your story, but just wait a second, as I'm about to lay it all in front of you.)

In this step, you're going to start with a story about yourself, but not just any old story. 

Think carefully about how this tidbit will add credibility to the product you're selling and how it ties into the bigger picture...so basically, don’t just pick a random thing. This can be something from your childhood, career path, or a significant event in your life.


  • You're launching a skincare line that caters to millennial women experiencing the first signs of aging
  • Rose is the star ingredient for your skincare line
  • A fitting memory that ties into your brand story below

During your childhood, you have vivid memories of warm summer afternoons in your grandmother’s garden. You spent hours mindlessly playing in the sun, while your grandmother would meticulously tend to the rose bushes in the back.

Throughout the years, the calming scent of roses has stayed with you. This memory is triggered when walking past the flower marker on your way to work.

Result: Telling a childhood story that ties into the bigger picture will help clients understand your brand a little more. 

Action Step: Grab a piece of paper and set an alarm for 5 minutes. During this time, write down memories or experiences that tie into your brand story.

Step 3: Solving a problem.

Now that the reader has gotten a chance to know you, it's time to clearly state the problem you’ve identified in your industry.

The problem: Start by clearly answering the following question for the reader, how does your product solve a problem and challenge the status quo?

Let’s draw on another example:

  • As a millennial woman, most anti-aging skincare products are made with harsh chemicals, and smell terrible (...in your opinion)
  • You're always left wanting something made with more natural ingredients
  • Formulated skin care made from the healing powers of flowers, specifically roses
  • You've created and named your brand, Smells Like Roses.

Action Step: In one sentence, write down exactly what problem your customers needs immediately solved.

Okay, now let’s build upon this on the next step!

Step 4: Share your solution

Let's get to the fun part now! This is where you blow everyone’s mind with a solution to a problem many people didn’t know they had.

Not to be dramatic or anything, but you’re about to ease a potential customer’s suffering with a unique offer.

So, it’s time to spill the beans.

How does your product solve the above problem for the customer? 

Action Step: In one sentence, tell your customer how you’re going to solve the specific problem above.

Step 5: Wrapping it all up & tying it up in a bow. Your Call to Action!

Okay, okay. This is your shining moment. 

This is your opportunity to hook the reader! Now that your customer has read through your page, what action would you like your reader to take? 

About Pages often provide links to:

  • Product page
  • Newsletter
  • Learn More
  • Video - (Watch Now)

Hot Tip: Only give your reader one CTA at the bottom of your page, so you’re directing them exactly where you want to go.

And BONUS, rapid-fire questions to ask yourself before pressing that send button. 

Does your about me page: 

  • State how your product makes your potential customer’s life easier or better? 
  • State how your business can solve their problem(s)? Y/N?
  • Identify the pain point of your ideal customer?
  • Clearly state your business values throughout the story?
  • Read as conversational and authentic – and cut out any jargon or dry language? 
  • Are your paragraphs no more than 3 sentences long? 

In the spirit of practicing what you preach, here’s my own CTA for this article. 

If you’re still looking for some direction on how to get your about me page poppin’... Eco Copy Grace offers services for beauty brands writing their website copy, and need of a second pair of eyes on it.

We offer entry-level services from DIY Copy Audits to full website copy. So, if after reading this article, you feel the need to outsource your website copy, feel free to fill out my intake form to get the process started.

Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of the page.


I’d love to chat further about your copy needs! 

Adios for now.




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