April 15, 2021
Vancouver, B.C.

First Post

Hey friends! First post, who dis?

If you’re new here or have been following me for a while, I wanted to extend a BIG thank you for following me on this journey. 

I have fully accepted that I am diving into the unknown and in most cases, learning as I go. This means unmasking my insecurities and showing up imperfectly and making corrections along the way.

The eco-beauty and wellness brand space is incredibly vast, and at times, pretty confusing. We see words like clean, green, vegan, cruelty-free, sustainable, paraben-free, and eco-friendly, and it’s hard to decipher what EACH one means. 

With the introduction of EcoCopyGrace, here are a few questions I hope to answer:

  • Are there standard regulation practices within the eco-beauty and wellness industry regarding ethics, ingredients, and standard practices?
  • What criteria make a product clean, green, and sustainable?
  • Are there best practices when marketing eco-beauty products?
  • How do producers ethically source products?

By answering questions like the above (...and many more as we go), my goal is to empower consumers to make conscious decisions when purchasing beauty products and brands. To support this, I will be providing well-researched, honest, and transparent perspectives within the eco-beauty and wellness brand industry.

I will be writing weekly posts that will include interviews with industry experts and scientists, product and brand reviews, and collaboration with advocates within the eco-beauty and wellness brand space.

I hope that YOU as the customer will have more resources and an increased level of awareness when purchasing eco-beauty products. 

As a starting point, I ask myself the following 4 questions before buying beauty products.

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility: It’s become very trendy for consumers to demand that companies go beyond the purchase. What do I mean by that? When it comes to personal values, consumers want to feel directly aligned with the company they're purchasing from. So, the next time you feel the urge to hit that “add to cart” button...get a sense of what that brand is all about.
  2. Sourcing ingredients: I am new to this one! From my early-stage research, here are some quick questions you can ask.
         a. Are the ingredients ethically sourced?
          b. What are the farming practices of this sourced ingredient?
          c. Are the workers paid a fair living wage?
  3. Community-based mindset & supporting local: I originally put these as two separate points. When it comes to purchasing eco-beauty products, I am always looking for a community-minded brand that supports local initiatives. What does that mean exactly? By purchasing a product that was made locally, I am supporting a business in my community. Sounds like a win-win to me!
  4. Does the product test on animals? Pretty self-explanatory. Most cosmetics that do not test on animals offer a bunny symbol on the back of the bottle.

And IMO, all of this should be available front and centre on the company’s website. These are brand and product initiatives you should not have to do digging for.

In the launch of EcoCopyGrace, I hope that I will be able to uncover ambiguity in this space, learn about my niche and provide web copywriting services. 

I will be offering three types of web copywriting services, which include the Energizing Solo, the Radiant Duo and I’m Full Thriving. You can find more information on these services on the Work With Me (link) page of my website.

Well, there you have it...let me know what you think about this list (...and my first post) in the comments below.




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Eco Copy Grace is owned, operated and acknowledged on the ancestral & unceded territory of the Musqueam, Tsleil-Waututh and Squamish First Nations.
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