April 26, 2021
Vancouver, B.C.

The amazingly awesome (and emotional) trip of being a business owner

Hey peeps! 

We’re going to make this whole blog thing a weekly appearance. I took a little time for myself last week after launchin’ this whole Eco Copy Grace thing.

Does anyone else get overwhelmed with excitement before/during/after a launch? It must be my ongoing battle with accepting the fact that I am INDEED an introvert, after many years of thinking I was the exact opposite. It finally dawned on me, that I was saying yes to things that weren’t lighting me up, and a fear of saying no.

One thing I have been noticing lately is that I’ve been craving for some form of routine during the week. Yes, as an entrepreneur, it’s super easy to pick my hours, work through deadlines and create my content, but after a while, I start to feel lost. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love a little spontaneity, but I tend to save that type of thing for weekends. During the week, I feel most satisfied with an achievable framework, and the feeling that I am working towards something.

But weekends are a complete free-for-all! I MIGHT bust out a to-do list, but let’s be real, none of it’s going to happen unless I’m feeling it. We’re talkin’ sleeping in until 11 am, scrolling through Tiktok (...an unfortunate pandemic habit  that I hope to eventually drop), watching Netflix, and going on random walks. 

Have you ever noticed that pandemic walks hit differently? There are streets in my neighbourhood with apartment buildings I’ve never seen before! Normally that might not sound exciting, but I must have been living on auto-pilot before the whole world changed last March. 

So whether it’s a work schedule or weekend plans, it’s all about balance and staying in check with ourselves. 

What type of energy are you leading with today? I can tell you right now, I’m feelin’ like a sassy-ass business owner ready to shatter ceilings and take on the world, but last week, it was quite the opposite. I was a low-energy and self-doubting business owner that had to give myself pep talks to even get set up at my desk. 

As a comprehensive (...ahem, scatterbrained) list writer, I had three different lists going last week. During a virtual work sprint with a couple of business pals, I used my time to narrow my priorities down to two cue cards: one with top priorities to get my business movin’ and shakin’ and my dream client list. 

Who knew that owning a business would come with so many emotional trials and tribulations? 

Honestly, though, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Having an anchor and consistently checking with my goals and priorities have definitely helped me stay focused these past few months.

Do I completely know what I’m doing yet? 

Not really, but I do know with a little structure and that deep intuitive to-the-core feeling that consistently tells me to KEEP GOING, I can keep my priorities straight, do the work, gain experience and make an impact.

Giddy up. Enjoy the week, folks!


Eco Copy Grace.


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Eco Copy Grace is owned, operated and acknowledged on the ancestral & unceded territory of the Musqueam, Tsleil-Waututh and Squamish First Nations.
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